Welcome to Qpinx software - NX Interactive's software & GUI Development division.
Home of a new galaxy of software products: iNX Operating system for Servers and Desktops,
Qpinx LiveStudio, Qpinx Robotics, Qpinx ERP, Qpinx e-learning, Qpinx CNC, Qpinx TTS,
NXchat, Vector 3D, Qpinx QED 3D, Qpinx QED Painter, a lot of commerce software modules for global business &
marketing, Chernokozov Trading 2020, LinkComNX Rainbow, MobileApps: CupXchange, Agent.NXi for mobile.
you can request the required number of licenses for any product from managers (russian but speak english) through the form of sending a commercial order
* payments accepted via partners and direct payments. Software license and serial numbers will be delivered on e-mail after we receive payments.
if you have a promo code from a partner or for discount, send it by e-mail to the manager before you pay. Be careful, promo codes only work if you buy licenses directly from Qpinx/NXi, and not through partner networks or retail software stores. always inquire about the validity of the promo code from Qpinx/NXi sales manager before buying.